12 September 2007

Forget Baking, Grandma's Online!

The latest Comminucations Market Report from Ofcom has raised some interesting questions in my mind, in regards to how many people of the “Older Generation” use the internet.

I had never thought previously that some of our highest internet users in the UK could be “Silver Surfers.” The Ofcom report states that 16% of over 65’s use the web and spend 42 hours, on average, online. This is more than any other age group.

Clive Shepherd’s blog also suggests that the internet usage levels for children and young women (25-34), along with the over 65’s, are the highest users in the UK.
From an e-Learning point of view, this raises the question of whether there are enough learning resources out there to cater to these specific groups. I have thought about this and have realised that a lot of the over 65’s could be using the internet for shopping (as I am quite sure the young women are) but it is more likely to be for communication purposes. With the ability to use the likes of Email, MSN, and Skype, families can keep in contact from anywhere in the world. What amazes me is how did they learn how to use these applications in the first place?

The “Older Generation” are more resourceful than we think, and with courses such as ECDL and Effective Business Communication available, they have taken learning into their own hands (albeit some advice from their computer savvy children) and have embraced it.

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